Have you ever embarked on getting something you always wanted but thought it was too big or unachievable? You see all the barriers and the uphill climb.  And there are the naysayers and the negative energy they bring. You worry about how it will be done and how it will be received and accepted. Then there are also the dollar signs and how to pay for all of it. Let me tell you about my journey to get published.

I wrote my novel – Imelda’s Secret.  Had several editors do their work: structural, editorial, copy, and line editing. Throughout the process, I was reading my manuscript many times than I can count.

What’s next? Designing the book.  Deciding how I want the book to look was easy.  Finding the artist was another story. The old adage “do not judge the book by its cover” should be thrown out the window because this is my way of calling attention to my book.

After working on the cover, the next step is to get it published.  Big question mark. Get a publisher or self-publishing.  I decided on the later. More decisions. Slowly checking off my list of how I want the book to look and feel

Here is the biggie.  Marketing.  And I thought the other two steps were arduous. Hire a specialist or lean on your friends.  Guess what I pick?  My friends, of course!  With them as my base and all the social media, you bet I did my best to get the word out.

One major concern was funding.  From the beginning of this endeavor, money was always ding, ding, dinging. Investing in your dream is where you make sure you have a plan and a budget. Any misstep can prove to be disastrous.

Lessons Learned

The point of this whole piece is that writing and completing your work is already a huge accomplishment and a cause for celebration. Getting it published is an endeavor and a calling.  It depends on just how far you want to take it.  If you have a message to impart and you believe in it, then go all torpedoes ahead!

Everyone has a dream, and you should go for it.  The challenges may seem impossible but do not let that deter you. Going full-on can be terrifying. My advice is to take one step at a time, however small. If you want to go somewhere, it all begins with taking that step.