Why this? Why the “Comfort women”?

Good question! Of all the things to write about, I picked this one. It is not an easy subject matter, and it may not be received well by certain groups. But I wrote it, and I am sticking to it.

I was mortified when I first came across this controversy. The idea that such atrocity can be done to another human being evoked an emotional response. It became personal, real fast. The horrendous experiences of these women go beyond martyrdom.

But what gets me going is that decades have passed, yet the “comfort women” continue to struggle and suffer. True, women’s rights have ever so slowly evolved. Countless women have espoused and advocated for each other through science, society, and law. Gaining respect and finding their voices are no small tasks. And after all that, the “comfort women’s” situation remains unchanged.

Is it a lack of awareness? Are we suffering from historical amnesia? Do we not see them because of selective vision or pure denial? Like it or not, their story is part of our collective history. It is what defines us as human beings. Surely no one is expendable to be tossed out like garbage.

So, here I am, a novelist giving you a story about the “comfort women.” You can decide to pick up my book – Imelda’s Secret and read about them. I pray that you see the issue, the struggle, and the hope put forth in this book. Maybe it will grab you as it did me. Now it’s up to you to decide what you will do about this information.